Women’s Retreat 2018

Evangelist Ruth Campbell, Camp Pastor

What are the quiet dreams you have in your heart? What is the passion you would chase if you could? What joy awaits you? You are invited to take some time apart. Bask in the beauty of Camp Bountiful and share with other women as we help each other bring forth the gifts that are in each one of us. Lisa Williams will share how she has been led on a new adventure; the goal of which is to enhance the lives of children and what better place to start than with encouraging women to seek the highest expression of themselves? Choose from mini-classes on the following topics:

  • Prayer by Ruth Campbell
  • How to Worry Less and Enjoy Life More by Marilee Martens
  • Physical Fitness by Jennifer Richardson
  • Gratitude by Lisa Williams
  • Begin with the End in Mind by Debbie Galbraith
  • Creating Beauty in Your Physical Space by Delanne Carlson
  • Turning Grief into Strength by Sara Brown
  • Accountability Partners by April Beck
  • Self Care: Avoidance or Facing Your Fears by Morgan Martens

Also available:

Gel Manicures $25; Gel Pedicures $35, provided by a professional beautician.  (For scheduling purposes, please e-mail Lisa43567@gmail.com by September 1, 2018 if you would like a manicure or pedicure.)

Please bring the following snack that coincides with the first initial of your last name.  If your last name begins with:  A-F Soda Pop,  G-L Juices,  M-R Healthy Snack,  S-Z Munchies

Check in: 6:30-7:30 pm Friday, Sept. 21 Departure: 12 noon Sunday, Sept. 23


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