Seeking to Enhance Our Lives
Barrie Fox of Nottinghamshire, England
Put things in order, listen to my appeal, agree with one another, live in peace; and the God of love and peace will be with you. -2 Corinthians 13:11
Recently, I came across what was termed as an active church involvement package. All it said was simply, “Be encouragers, be enablers, and be enthusiasts.”
Many people claim that involvement in their church activities has been a blessing for them in so many ways. If that is also our testimony, what should we be trying to do to encourage others who work alongside us in our church activities? Through my church life I have known a number of people who have been real encouragers. What a blessing they have been! Some have had the ability to lead and to take specific roles. But all of us have the ability to enable (to make possible) ways in which we and others can become truly involved in worthwhile, rewarding activities. All of us, if we so choose, can be enthusiastic about things that really do matter in our church and community lives.
Obviously, we recognize the danger of getting into our comfort zone and staying there. We become too content to let others carry all the responsibilities, challenges, burdens, and worries of life in our church communities. God is calling us out of those comfort zones and into action.
Years ago I came across a statement which I had jotted down. It said something like this: “Trust in God, believe in yourself, dare to dream, and become brave enough to change those dreams into reality. Make your mark for God.” Quite a challenge!
John Wesley used these words in a prayer: “Oh Lord, let me not live to be useless.” Quite a thought to consider! Our lives can truly be enhanced if we seek to develop and make the best of the abilities, the opportunities, and the strengths that the Lord has given us.
Prayer Phrase
We are one in Christ.
Spiritual Practice
Week Four: Think Globally, Act Locally
The world conference community represents spiritual communities from cities, towns, and villages around the world. Each comes with distinct experiences that impact how they see, hear, and respond to the community as a whole. Some issues that are discussed will seem far removed from your own daily realities, but they may be close at heart for someone else. Notice your own local context as preparation for this global gathering. What dreams inhabit your community’s imagination? What concerns rest on people’s hearts? What practical matters impact your ability to share in ministry? Where is the Spirit at work in the realities you encounter in your daily life? How does your own local context and experience both restrict and expand your ability to engage in broader dialogue?
Today’s Prayer for Peace
Engage in a daily practice of praying for peace in our world. Click here to read today’s prayer and be part of this practice of peace.