Daily Bread May 01

Sacred Creation
Jan Hill of New Brighton, MN, USA

Those of steadfast mind you keep in peace-
    in peace because they trust in you. -Isaiah 26:3

Creation is sacred to me because in it, and through it, I experience God.
When I am awakened by the songs of the birds early on a June morning, while it is still dark and not even the first ray of dawn is visible, I know God as hope.
When I am lulled to sleep at night by the hum of the crickets, I know God as rest and regeneration.
When I sit by a campfire on a chilly evening, I know God as warmth, light, and focus.
When I hear the haunting call of the loon, I know God as ancient and mysterious.
When I see the patterns of the green leaves against the blue sky, I know God as beauty, balance, color, texture, and contrast.
When I hear the pounding rain, the raging wind, and the echoing boom of thunder, I know God as strength and might.
When I see the quiet grazing doe and her fawns, I know God as gentle, peaceful, and serene.
When I see the green of summer turn to the blazing oranges and burgundies of autumn, and when I see the neutral colors of winter burst into the yellow-green buds of spring, I know God as faithful and trustworthy.
When I drive through the midwest countryside in July and see the acres and acres of green corn, I know God as generous.
When I hold a grandchild in my arms, I know God as love and promise.
When I see the vast ocean against the far-off horizon and feel the waves lap against my toes in the sand, I know God as unknowable, yet present.
God is all that our senses can take in, and so much more!
If we experience creation as having our being in God, then creation is, indeed, sacred.

Prayer Phrase

In God we all belong.

Spiritual Practice

Sustaining Our Connections

Many find themselves isolated around the world to protect each other and the most vulnerable during this global pandemic. Spend time prayerfully imagining those people that you might normally come into contact with on a regular basis, known and unknown. Remember all the connections that sustain our lives each day. Even in this time of intentional separation, how are you experiencing deep, intrinsic belonging in God?

Today’s Prayer for Peace

Engage in a daily practice of praying for peace in our world. Click here to read today’s prayer and be part of this practice of peace.

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