Shine like the Sun
Janne Grover, Council of Twelve Apostles
Let both of them grow together until the harvest… -Matthew 13:30
As a youth growing up on a farm, my least favorite chore was walking rows of soybeans cutting out the weeds. I’m sure the only thing worse than my attitude toward the task was my reliability in completing the task. I had little understanding of methods for weed control or their impact on crops, the environment, or harvesting equipment. I only knew weeds were bad, I didn’t like them, and I certainly didn’t like being the one to take care of them.
Matthew 13:36-43 explains who is represented in the Parable of the Wheat and Weeds. The weeds represent those who act with evil intent. We see no shortage of such examples when violence is so disturbingly present in our world. The parable talks about the righteous shining like the sun; but the reality is that some violence is carried out by persons with distorted, extremist, righteous intent. Somehow the wheat and weeds get twisted together, and separation of good and evil seems less defined.
In a current context where fear, hate, and division are so prevalent, I am captured by the significance of verse 30. What does it look like today, metaphorically, to let the wheat and weeds grow together? I would not suggest that we view violence and evil as accepted reality. However, it does challenge us to work more intentionally toward unity in diversity through compassionate ministry, practicing non-violence, working for justice, and living Christ’s peace in a hurting world.
Perhaps one way to start is by considering whom the weeds represent in our lives. Rather than cutting them out, how are we called to tend to them as we grow together?
Prayer Phrase
Let your world of beauty capture me.
Spiritual Practice
Growing a Gracious, Generous Heart
Open your heart to God’s grace and generosity with a “breath prayer.” Let your breathing slow and deepen. Be aware of God’s breath moving in and out of your heart. Spend several minutes focusing on breathing in God’s generosity. With each breath, silently name one gift for which you are thankful. Let your heart expand to contain God’s gracious outpouring of love. With each breath out, name one gift you want to share from the overflow of your heart.
Today’s Prayer for Peace
Engage in a daily practice of praying for peace in our world. Click here to read today’s prayer and be part of this practice of peace.