Category Archives: Messages from the MCP

Camp Bountiful Resolution

Pastors, CFO’s & Communications contacts:

You have already been advised of the CB Association meeting to be held at 3:00 on Sunday, June 26, at camp.  There will be a resolution brought to the association concerning the sale of trees at camp, so compliant with the camp bylaws regarding the sale of land or resources, this is a notification to that effect.

T&D Properties owns 40 acres, approximately across the creek from the pool, and they advised us last year of their intent to seletively log off that property.  At our 2015 Association meeting we gave them authorization to cross our property to cut and remove logs from their property.

T&D has offered to select cut some of the trees on the 80 acres the camp owns on the south side of the creek.  They walked the property with Doug Altman and Mark DiSantis and pointed out several trees with tops that are dying and other, smaller trees that are rotting due to lack of sunlight reaching them.  Removal of the larger trees would enable the smaller ones to become healthier.

They have offered us $52,800 for these trees, with the understanding they would harvest only after camps have ended this summer, they will cut nothing within 50 feet of the creek and they would clean up all debris before departing.

Please advise your congregations of this meeting.  The camp board has not made any decision on the use of the funds if the Association approves the sale.  I had previously advised you that we are seeking ways to increase our revenue by $25K per year and are working on a budget for 2017 which would achieve this.  However, it’s my personal belief that if this resolution is approved the funds should be used to increase our reserves, as we have been dipping into them over the last few years. We would still submit a budget proposal that calls for increased income from camp use fees, congregational increased giving and mission center contributions.

Bountiful blessings,


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Kids Lock In & Bountiful Work Day


Could you forward the attached document to advertise an overnight at Camp Bountiful associated with work day. We are encouraging kids to participate in work day and spend the night. The event is being offered for free and we are inviting anyone or any branch to come and worship with us on Sunday morning. When we’ve held such events in the past, we’ve taken the kids to area branches and we decided to have the branches come to us. We will use the service to energize the kids and everyone else there for the upcoming camping season. We could also use adult help to supervise the overnight, if there is anyone interested that would be great. If there are any questions you can contact Wayne at 740-821-5630.

2016 Lock In at Camp Bountiful

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World Conference legislation discussions

Pastors, Communications and Conference Delegates:

We will have meetings at Grove City, 1255 Stringtown Road, and Beavercreek, 860  Grange Hall Road, congregations as follows.  These meetings are open to all, not just conference delegates. In fact, all are encouraged to attend.  Please publicize this in your congregations and invite all to come.  If some want to attend all three meetings, that’s fine.

Saturday, April 23, Grove City, 1:00 to 4:00 pm.  We’ll discuss both I-1, Mission, Tithing and Priesthood Response and additional legislation.

Tuesday, May 10, Beavercreek, 7:00 to 9:00 pm – I-1 Mission, Tithing and Priesthood Response
Tuesday, May 17, Beavercreek, 7:00 to 9:00 pm – Additional legislation (cancelled)

The discussion on I-1 will be done as a common consent practice at world conference, so we will follow this same pattern for our discussion.  This process is designed to offer options other than just “yes” or “no” and was very successful in previous conferences.

There are reading assignments for the I-1 discussion:  Doctrine & Covenants 42:8-10; 64:5a; 72:1-4; 106:1a; 126:10; 129:8; 147:5; 153:9; 162:7 and 163:9.  Please read all of these before the meetings, as they provide commentary on our tithing practices over the years.  For example, the comment I hear most often is our tithing has always been defined as one tenth of the increase; however, a reading of D&C 106 states that tithing is one tenth of the increase after we have given all of our surplus property to the bishop of the church.  As with all scripture, please read all of these with an eye to the context of the time and the situation of the church in which they were written.

Acting Presiding Bishop Stassi Cramm stated in the Q&A video that the world conference will have two common consent discussions on this proposal.  The first will be on the definition of tithing and the second will be on priesthood response.  The Bishopric and others will follow the discussions during these times and, based on their perception of the discussions, may offer an alternate piece of legislation to I-1. If this is done, the conference will be presented both I-1 and an alternative to choose between on the closing Saturday morning of conference.

We will not discuss all of the proposed legislation due to time constraints and the fact is some of the items don’t really need much discussion, such as time for the 2019 conference or listing older world conference legislation. I’ve had requests to discuss I-1, C-4, and G-1, 3 & 4.  That may be all we can cover in the time we have.



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Daily Operation Changes

To USA field staff:

Community of Christ International Headquarters is dedicated to providing helpful services for worldwide ministries staff. Recent staff and expense reductions have led to changes in daily operations. Please share these with leaders and members in your field as appropriate. Another communication will be sent when schedules or processes are updated.


Community of Christ Temple

  • Through May 1, the Temple will be open to the public:
    Monday–Friday, 9:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.
  • Museum tours are by appointment or with available tour guide only. Schedule tours at (816) 833-1000, ext. 2030 or 3030.
  • Library and Archives are private.

o   Students and scholars can request appointments to conduct research:;

o   There will be open library hours during World Conference.

  • Book store is closed.

Community of Christ Auditorium

  • Closed to the public.
  • Children’s Peace Pavilion (housed in Auditorium) access will still be arranged at the Auditorium west entrance by phone or intercom:; (816) 521-3033.

Herald House

  • Temple Book Store is closed.
  • Orders can be placed by

o   e-mail:

o   online:

o   voicemail: (800) 767-8181 or (816) 521-3015

  • Paid orders may be picked up at the Temple visitor desk.

Daily Prayer for Peace

  • Through May 1, all are invited to participate in the Temple Sanctuary Sunday–Friday at 1:00 p.m.
  • Although the building will be closed Saturdays, the prayer will still be said from the Temple at 1:00 p.m.
  • Please continue to participate in the Daily Prayer for Peace every day from wherever you are.

Organ Recitals

  • Next recital in the Dome & Spire series will be April 17 at 3:00 p.m. in the Auditorium with organist Jonathan Dimmock.
  • Through May 1, Sunday organ recitals will be offered in the Temple at 3:00 p.m. (Auditorium on April 17.)

Herald Magazine

  • Moving to bi-monthly publication beginning with the July/August issue.

MEADS (Ministerial Education and Discipleship Studies)

  • Discontinued in Independence, Missouri.
  • Canada and International programs will continue under field leadership.

Fiscal Services

Shelby Assistance

  • Shelby Help Desk will be available by e-mail ( and voicemail as soon as that system can be set up. Please allow up to 72-hour response time. Connectivity issues will be directed to Technology Support.

Disbursement of Funds

  • All payments to congregations, mission centers, campgrounds, affiliates, and any new charitable remainder trusts or gift annuities will be paid by electronic fund transfer (EFT).

Collection of Funds

  • All amounts due from congregations, mission centers, campgrounds, and affiliates will be pulled electronically, including payroll, health payments, web services, house of worship loan payments, and risk allocations.

Ministerial Reimbursement Request (MR)

  • Ministerial reimbursement requests must be entered through the Citrix online entry system. Paper or Excel formats will not be accepted after June 30.
  • All recurring individual expense reimbursements will go through the MR system, effective with month ending July 31, 2016.

Disbursement of Funds

  • A properly completed disbursement request (formerly a check request) will need to be sent to (This e-mail address is in the process of being set up.)
  • A revised form will be available by July 1. Until then, use current form, available from Krista Mallas.
  • Properly completed forms received by noon (central time) Wednesday will be processed that week.
  • Checks are run once a week on Thursday.
  • Electronic fund transfers are done once a week on Friday.

Wire Transfers

  • Wire transfers (other than multi-nations payroll) are done the 15th and 30th each month.
  • A properly completed disbursement form, including necessary banking information, will need to be received at by the 13th for disbursement on the 15th or by the 28th for disbursement on the 30th.

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April 10th – World Conference Special Offering

I’m forwarding information about announcing and handling the World Conference offering for April 10.  Please share with your congregations.



Helpful Resources for Download

April 10th – Insert for the Bulletin: BulletinInsert-WC2016

April 10th – Disciples Generous Response: DGR-SpecialOffering-WC2016

Church Financial Officers: CFO-ProcessingLetter-WC2016


From: Presiding Bishopric
Sent: Monday, March 28, 2016 5:32 PM
To: Mission Center Financial Officers (USA); Mission Center Presidents (USA)
Cc: World Church Leadership Council; Bill McFarlin; Blair M White; Carina Lord Wilson; Dena DeVormer; Denise White; Jessica Montague; Kenny Wilson; Mike Carver; Moana S Faana; Paul Harding; Ronald G Saur; Tom Cochran
Subject: World Conference Special Offering

To USA Mission Center Presidents & Financial Officers:

We wanted to give you a heads up on some information about the World Conference Special Offering. Please share with your pastors and financial officers as soon as possible. Let us know if you have any questions. These documents are attached.

  • A letter to all pastors and congregational financial officers in USA about processing instructions.
  • A bulletin insert to share with congregations in your mission center.
  • Helps for a Disciples Generous Response moment specific to the special offering for use on April 10. This will also be posted online at

Please visit for other important information regarding World Conference!


The Presiding Bishopric

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Letter to the USA Field

The First Presidency has released a letter announcing the new USA field alignment.  This also announces the elimination of the Mission Support Leaders, whose positions were instituted January 1, 2016.  In our case, this is Susan Naylor.  This does not necessarily mean those persons have had their employment terminated; rather, the positions have been eliminated.  I do not have any news so far about who has had their employment terminated.

You will also note that Western Ohio and Bountiful Mission Centers are now part of the Southeast Field and we will once again have Barbara Carter as our apostle.

I’m sure more information will be forthcoming.

Please read the Letter to the USA Field here: USAField03-31-16



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Words of Counsel from President Veazey

Click to Read President Veazey’s Letter of Counsel regarding changes to the leading quorums of the Church: LetterofCounsel03-31-16

From: First Presidency
Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2016 10:23 AM
To: First Presidency
Subject: Letter of Counsel. La Carta de Consejo. La Lettre de Conseil.

To worldwide ministries staff:
Please read the attached letter of counsel about World Church leadership from President Stephen M. Veazey. Please share this with pastors and leaders in your area.

A todo el personal mundial de ministerios:
Por favor lea la carta adjunta de consejo del presidente Stephen M. Veazey acerca del liderazgo de la Iglesia Mundial. Favor de compartir esto con los pastores y líderes en su área.

Au personnel des ministères mondiaux :
Merci de lire la lettre de conseil ci-jointe du Président Stephen M. Veazey concernant la direction de l’Eglise Mondiale. Merci de partager ceci avec vos pasteurs et dirigeants.

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President’s Address: April 3, 2016

Get Ready for April 3

We look forward to being with you at 6 p.m. (CDT), Sunday, April 3 for the President’s Address, followed by live questions-and-answers and a financial update.
To prepare:

  • Use attached Gathering Suggestions to plan prayers and hymns for your local gathering.
  • Test your webcast connection with a live stream at from 1:00 p.m. April 1–10:00 p.m. (CDT) April 2.
  • Encourage people to send questions about paragraphs 16–18 from the 2013 words of counsel by e-mail: or social media: #AskSteveVeazey.

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What Would it Take?

What Would It Take?

The current financial condition in the church is not news to anyone and it can be better explained by reading the statements issued by Acting Presiding Bishop Stassi Cramm (found on the website) than by anything I might write.

However, I wanted to expand on my comments at our last round of Pastor, Counselor, Evangelist and Congregation Financial Officers meetings and am borrowing the title above from one of Stassi’s letters.

Simply put, we need to be sure we are teaching our tithing practices in our congregations, both to new and long time members. Many of our new members are coming from previous faith communities that did not have the same practices as Community of Christ. I’ve spoken to several people who are not aware that their offerings are not shared with the world church. Their previous denomination received all offerings and then distributed some to their headquarters based on an assessment or apportionment process and the assumption is that Community of Christ does the same.

This misunderstanding is not limited to new members. I’ve spoken with lifelong members who are unaware that they need to designate part of their tithe for World Church, either by specifying a Mission Initiative or Use Where Needed Most, in order for it to go to World Church. That is, they have been making the assumption part of their tithing automatically went to support World Church ministries.

Pastors and CFO’s, it would be helpful if you would work together to review what the best approach would be to educate your membership on our tithing practices. It need not be elaborate; it might only be a short series of messages delivered as part of the Disciples Generous Response portion of the service.

Our budget shortfall could be met if everyone now paying tithing to World Church would increase their giving by 50%. For some, this would be impossible. For some, it would be very easy.

However, tithing from new sources would make a huge difference. New sources includes those who have previously not been paying tithing; those who are currently paying increasing their ongoing amount; congregations who have unused resources deciding to share some of these resources through budget line items or one time offerings and current givers finding new ways to share. For example, many will be getting tax refunds. Giving a portion of this refund would a new source of tithing.

Increased giving and new pledges for continued giving are being received daily. While we may not receive enough such pledges by the March deadline to avoid employee reductions, we are going in the right direction.



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Holy Season Prayer

Pastors and communications contacts:

I prepared this prayer for a multi-faith group last night and they suggested that I share it with others, as appropriate.

Therefore, I share it with you.  May your Holy Week be blessed and your congregation filled with hope and anticipation.



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