Category Archives: Messages from the MCP

A Letter for this time

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Irresistible Revolution & Resurrecting Church – Aug 8

Hello everyone!
The Bountiful USA Mission Center will be hosting a virtual event with Shane Claiborne to discuss his work with “Irresistible Revolution” and “Resurrecting Church.” This event will be on Saturday, August 8 at 11:00AM. Shane will speak for about an hour or so and will spend 30-45 after that to allow questions/comments. I have attached a graphic that we made to advertise the event. Please share with those who you think might be interested in attending this event! I spoke to Shane on the phone and he is excited to meet with us! He is a really great guy who walks the walk. I hope to see you there!
This is the registration link!
Justin DeLong
Invitational Support Minister
Bountiful USA Mission Center

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Domestic Violence Zoom workshop Aug 23rd

Good Morning Friends,
This Zoom event is in response to World Conference Resolution 1317 which was passed at the 2019 World Conference.  The workshop is: “Speaking through the Silence: Addressing Issues of Domestic Violence”. The workshop offers four major areas of abuse: Child, Elder, and Intimate Partner Abuse and Sexual Abuse and Assault/Rape. Each topic covers causes, symptoms, recognition, treatment, outcomes, and resources. Participants choose two topics, one each for the morning and afternoon breakout sessions.
Register online at: HSW.HMACOFCHRIST.ORG or by mail to HMA, 1001 W Walnut, Independence MO 64050


“If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.” – Mother Teresa
Community of Christ
Council of Twelve
Southeast USA Mission Field

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Please see HERE a list of the questions being  asked by pastors across the country as congregations are considering reopening. The majority of these questions have already been posed to me by some  of you but I thought it might be helpful for each of you to see all of them. Lancaster is the only congregation which has reopened in the mission center but I know some of you want to have some outdoor gatherings and this also addresses these.

We are reminded that some congregations who have already been reopened may, due to a significant increase in COVID 19 cases,  no longer meet the criteria to remain  open. This is also addressed in the attached. Each of you may have your own source of information to check and re-check the  trends in your area, but here’s  a possible tool you can use:

There are some additional guidelines for congregations that allow outside groups to use the building but as far as I know Middletown is the only congregtion who is hosting  such a group.  If you need it, let me know.

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In Person Congregational Gathering – documents

Here are the 4 Supporting Documents to assist in planning for in-person congregational gathering.

The only one which needs to be sent to MC President (Vern) is the four page Congregational Plan for Reopening.

Vern will also need to know who is responsible for keeping copies of the Cleaning and Sanitizing checklists and the Attendance/Participant Tracking rosters if not  the Facility Health Officer. These are to be kept on file as previously discussed.

Implementation Checklist Final

Cleaning Checklist Final

Participant Tracking Final

Plan for Reopening Final– send to Vern upon completion

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SPEC 2020 Cancelled




After much discussion and review of current public health data, the SPEC leadership team made the difficult decision to cancel SPECTACULAR 2020. Our SPEC community draws people of different ages and varying degrees of immuno-security from all over North America. As we thought about the SPEC experience—the way we live, eat, learn, play, and worship together—our ability to maintain the recommended physical distance of 6-10 feet and a coronavirus-free environment would be nearly impossible.

Questions about some kind of online experience for 2020 and allowing current seniors an additional year of eligibility in 2021 are still under discussion and more information will be shared when it is available.

We are heartbroken about not being able to gather this summer and will deeply miss this week of forming sacred community together. While we ache alongside all our campers and staff at the loss this means in all of our lives, we are confident that this is the most responsible choice for this time.

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CB Camps 2020 Cancelled

It is with regret that we have decided to cancel all Community of Christ summer camps at Camp Bountiful. This includes Junior Camp, Junior High Camp, Senior High Camp and Family Camp/Reunion.

The heart of our camping is gathering in community.  We gather at the shelter house, for classes, for meals and fellowship, around the Peace Patio, at the pool and an assortment of other activities. We are not able to have such gatherings and maintain any semblance of distancing and we have no way of making sleeping accommodations safe for everyone. 

We look forward to a vaccine for COVID-19 and the ability to gather with joy and safety in 2021.  

Anyone who has already sent a deposit for any of these camps will receive a refund.

Bountiful Blessings,

Connie Altman, Bountiful Mission Center

Vern Foster, Western Ohio Mission Center

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IYF 2021 postponed to 2023

Update: Our Continued Response to COVID-19 Virus Pandemic
The First Presidency has continued to monitor recommendations from professional health organizations about preventing the spread of COVID-19. Many nations continue to recommend the suspension of group gatherings. Based on our review, the First Presidency is advising congregations and mission centers to continue suspending church gatherings. Read more.

COVID19 IYF Update Letter

IYF Announcement
The International Youth Forum (IYF) originally scheduled for July 2021 will be postponed until 2023. On the recommendation from the IYF 2021 Directors Team, the Council of Twelve made this difficult decision for several reasons. For many participants and their families, the first payments for travel reservations are due soon. That would not be possible for many people who are experiencing financial hardship due to the COVID-19 situation. The team also recognizes the budget impact this pandemic may have on the church’s finances and its ability to fund an event like IYF in the coming months. IYF Le Buena Fe, in Honduras has also been postponed to a future date. More details will be shared as they are available.

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Online Easter Worship

Living Hope – Easter Worship

As we continue to find new ways of being together when physical distancing guidelines prevent our gatherings, you’re invited to join us for “Living Hope,” a unique online Easter worship experience this year.

On Sunday, April 12 we will be hosting two online gatherings to share in Easter celebration and worship together.

Gathering 1 — 4 a.m. (CDT) Time zone calculator

Gathering 2 — 2 p.m. (CDT) Time zone calculator

By having two gatherings we hope to increase participation around the world and allow people to join in at a reasonable time of their day. Pick the time that best fits your day and worship with us through music, prayers, reflections from members around the world, and a homily by President Steve Veazey.

To provide opportunities for interaction as we all watch from home, we’ll be broadcasting the worship on the church’s FacebookTwitter, and Instagram feeds. Viewers will be invited to share in the comments on Facebook and Instagram or by using #CofChristEaster on Twitter at several points during the worship. The broadcast will also be available at and the church’s YouTube channel.

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Jr High Retreat May 1-3 – cancelled

Given the uncertainty of the current situation, we have decided to
cancel Jr Hi retreat.  For those who have already paid, you have the
option to have your money refunded or you may use it as a credit for Jr
Hi Camp, which is scheduled for July 5-11. Whichever you choose, please
advise Michelle Howard (

We are still proceeding on the assumption that all summer camps will be
held as scheduled, but we  realize that is not entirely in our hands to

The CB Board is looking at  alternative financial plans in case the
summer season is cancelled, either in part or entirely. We do have
sufficient funds to weather the storm if it comes to that, but it would
certainly be a blow. We will keep you apprised as we get nearer.



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