Category Archives: Messages from the MCP

CB Service Camp: May 11-17

Pastors, Communications contacts and CFO’s:

We’ve been posting the event but below is the actual list  of work needing to be done during work week May 11-17. Please let members and friends know in case there are particular items folks might be interested in  doing.



I am loving this wonderful weather. I hope you are able to get outside and enjoy it too. I wanted to email a list of things we are going to try to work on during Service Camp. This way people can come prepared with tools, clothing, etc., that might help in the process. Please announce and post this list if possible. Service Camp is May 11-17th.  Thanks for all your help!


Move an air conditioner out of Cabin 3 and a new one into it.

Clean all cabins

Split logs

Finish putting up RFP paneling in kitchen

Put down flooring in staff bedroom

Open and clean bathhouses

Paint Rest Room stall doors (youth have signed up to do this)

Pick up large sticks in Blue Ash, mow and weed eat it

Build a 9 square game

Clean out the Sports room

Fix a hole in the wall in the 4-plex bathroom

Put down new linoleum in the guest minister side RR in 4-plex

Weed Peace Patio

Trim low hanging tree limbs


Weed Eat

Clean refrigerators/walk-ins

Finish putting rails on beds

Repair/replace gable ends on old bath house


Bountiful Blessings,

Connie Altman

Bountiful Mission Center President


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REUNION 2019 Information

Pastors, Communications, CFO’s:

Attached is the 2019 Reunion Registration form.  Please distribute to your congregation.  It will  also be posted  on the Camp Bountiful website.




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LEADS Syllabus May 2019 Classes

Pastors and Communications contacts:

I don’t know if any of you or anyone from your congregations are attending this class on May 3&4 at  Camp Bountiful but here is the syllabus for the weekend.

There  is still  room to register with Connie Altman.

LEADS Syllabus 2019



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VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: Cooking for Camp Signup 2019

Pastors and Communications contacts:

Please note Connie’s request below.

Once again, I am looking for volunteers to work in the kitchen so I can give the staff the weekends off this summer. Please let me know when you would be able to come volunteer for some of these meals. You can also ask around for other helpers too.


Love and peace,


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Additional information Pastor/CFO meetings

I’ve received some questions and comments from my previous emails, so
here’s a bit more information.

We don’t necessarily need to cease work on any pending capital
projects.  For  example, we were already planning for a new roof on the
CB lodge and we’re still proceeding with permission to do this. We’re
also planning a new handicap accessible family bathroom at camp and we
will work on getting approval for this, too. Your congregation can still
go through this process, as well.

We are still bound by the “Process for A Church-Wide Pause on Capital
Projects” policy, which has been in effect for at least a year or more
and has been discussed at our Pastor meetings. You can read this process
by going to the website and
under Resources click on Process for Pause…

Also, don’t forget the necessity of obtaining  proper insurance
certification for any projects in advance of approval. The policy may
be accessed at

I’d like to correct a statement I made on my email,  where I stated that
all …MCFOs prior to Gary were covered by the church retirement plan.
Kirk Cross was primarily a volunteer when he served in this  capacity
and he is not receiving any retirement from the church.

Finally, please check the church website for Steve Veazey’s sermon at
the closing service of world conference.  He provides some Words of
Counsel at the conclusion of his sermon for the benefit of the church.



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Bridge of Hope Plan

A few concerns were raised  by my previous email so I thought I would
provide  a short summary of my understanding of the Bridge of Hope plan
to fund the church retirement plan.  It’s hard to crowd a hour long
discussion into two pages but I hope this gives you some additional

“Bridge of Hope Talking Points”

You may decide the attached is sufficient and we don’t need further
meetings.  I’ll keep the dates scheduled but will recheck with you a
couple of weeks before the meetings to determine your interest.

Also, we had delegates from Beavercreek, Cincinnati, Grove City,
Middletown, Reynoldsburg, Shawnee and Worthington congregations, so if
you could check with them if you want to double  check what I’ve said.
As I said before, I don’t have any inside information from the other
delegates other than having sat through the presentation more times.



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Upcoming Pastors, CFO meetings May 19 & June 2

Pastors and CFO’S:

World Conference concluded Saturday morning and there are some items that generated a great deal of feedback, to the point I would like to invite you to one of the above meetings for further discussion.

A plan was presented to address the shortfall in the World Church Retirement Fund which generated immediate feedback.

I’d like to get together to talk it over so you are prepared for questions you may receive .  Many of you were in attendance at conference. I  don’t have any new information from what was shared except I  went through two additional discussions.  All three I attended were identical so the only difference was in the questions raised.  If those  who attended conference would  like  to attend to add their perspective it would  be welcome. The decisions made will likely have some impact on nearly every congregation in the mission center.

In  addition the the retirement funding, I’ll share some information on Priesthood Release and Lord’s Supper discussions from conference.

The first  meeting will be Sunday, May 19, at 3:00pm at Shawnee congregation.

Westerville will be the second site on June 2 at 3:00pm.



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Women’s Retreat – Director(s) needed!

Camp Bountiful has reserved the weekend of Sept. 20-22 for Women’s
Retreat. However, we so far have no one to direct.  If your
congregation, or a group of women across congregations, have any
interest in planning the retreat please contact me.

You may recall we cancelled the 2017 retreat for lack of directors, but
before we do the same  for 2019 want to be sure anyone  interested has
the opportunity to volunteer.



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LEADS “The Journey of a People”

Please find attached a flyer/registration form for a class on church history we are having in May. Mark has agreed to come for the next 6 years to teach half a book at a time. This is the first in the series, so we will be studying the first half of Volume 1 of “The Journey of a People” by Mark Scherer. I hope you will share this with your MC’s and that many of your people will join us. We are having it at Camp Bountiful so there will be plenty of housing available.

LEADS Mark Scherer 2019

Bountiful Blessings,

Connie Altman

Bountiful MC President


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Peace Patio Pavers!

Pastors, CFO’s and Communications contacts:

This is my annual reminder regarding purchase of pavers (bricks) in
memory of, or in honor of, or just because you want one for your family,
to be installed at camp before the season starts.

Pavers come in 4″x 8″ or 8″x 8″ sizes.

4×8’s cost $100 each and may have up to three lines of text, punctuation
or spaces of 13 characters each.

8×8 pavers cost $500 each and may have up to six lines of text,etc.

Checks should be payable to Camp Bountiful and sent to me, along with
the order, at:

3417 Woodlake Ct,Loveland OH 45140

Orders may also be emailed to me at the above address and should arrive
no later than May 15, 2019, to allow for engraving and placement at the
patio in June.

Bountiful Blessings,


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