Category Archives: Messages from the MCP

Camp Fees for 2019

Most of our congregations provide assistance for youth camps, and 
knowing that many of you will be approving your 2019 budgets next month, 
I wanted to let you know what the fees will be for 2019 summer camps.

Jr Camp will be $175 – no change from 2018.  We believe there is 
sufficient leeway in this camp to absorb the increased cost of meals.

Jr Hi Camp and Sr Hi Camps will be $325  – an increase from $300 in 
2018.  This is driven by increased meal costs from $5 per meal in 2018 
to $6 in 2019.



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World Conference Delegate Nominations – by October 4

Pastors and Communications contacts:

As I mentioned a few weeks  ago,we will be electing 30  delegates to
world conference at the MC conference on Oct. 20.

As has been our practice,if you would like to nominate yourself or
someone else prior to the conference, please send me an email with the
name of the nominee.  Please have the names to me by October 4.  If you
are nominating others please be sure you have their prior agreement.



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Community of Hope & Joy: Update from the Philippines

Pastors and Communications contacts:  Please note the prayer request for the situation below.  Before the typhoon hit, we had word that if the crops were destroyed it would be devastating to the well being of the people.  That appears to be the case in at least one of the areas.


From: Kris Judd
Sent: Sunday, September 16, 2018 7:21 PM
To: Kris Judd
Subject: Community of Hope and Joy: Update from Philippines

From Apostle Rick Maupin“I was just on the phone (Saturday night USA) with two staff members in the Philippines.  They have not yet been able to do a complete survey of the damage from the recent typhoon.  They have had contact with many of our members and there has not been any reports of personal injuries.  Our northern most congregation, Baggao, was in the direct path of the typhoon’s eye.    Communication has been difficult in and out of that area, but we did hear all members of the Baggao congregation are physically OK.  However, we are getting reports there is significant damage to many structures and all crops.  Currently some roads and bridges are closed in that area.  Some of our staff we will be traveling to Baggao as soon as it is safe to do so.

Our members in the Philippines have expressed their thanks for the prayers from our community around the around the world.”

May we continue to uphold our brothers and sisters in the Philippines as well as in the US whose lives are impacted by typhoons, hurricanes, and floods. 


Kris Judd

Staff Pastor

816-521-3060 (office)

816-682-4784 (cell)

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Women’s Retreat 2018

Evangelist Ruth Campbell, Camp Pastor

What are the quiet dreams you have in your heart? What is the passion you would chase if you could? What joy awaits you? You are invited to take some time apart. Bask in the beauty of Camp Bountiful and share with other women as we help each other bring forth the gifts that are in each one of us. Lisa Williams will share how she has been led on a new adventure; the goal of which is to enhance the lives of children and what better place to start than with encouraging women to seek the highest expression of themselves? Choose from mini-classes on the following topics:

  • Prayer by Ruth Campbell
  • How to Worry Less and Enjoy Life More by Marilee Martens
  • Physical Fitness by Jennifer Richardson
  • Gratitude by Lisa Williams
  • Begin with the End in Mind by Debbie Galbraith
  • Creating Beauty in Your Physical Space by Delanne Carlson
  • Turning Grief into Strength by Sara Brown
  • Accountability Partners by April Beck
  • Self Care: Avoidance or Facing Your Fears by Morgan Martens

Also available:

Gel Manicures $25; Gel Pedicures $35, provided by a professional beautician.  (For scheduling purposes, please e-mail by September 1, 2018 if you would like a manicure or pedicure.)

Please bring the following snack that coincides with the first initial of your last name.  If your last name begins with:  A-F Soda Pop,  G-L Juices,  M-R Healthy Snack,  S-Z Munchies

Check in: 6:30-7:30 pm Friday, Sept. 21 Departure: 12 noon Sunday, Sept. 23


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Volunteer cooks: Saturdays & Sundays

In an effort to hire a Food Service Director for Monday-Friday and give them the weekends off, I am trying to secure volunteer help for Saturday morning breakfast and Sunday evening dinner for the weeks we have camp. [Volunteers do not need to be Ohio licensed cooks as a licensed cook will be on the grounds.]  I am hoping your congregation will be able to volunteer for at least one meal this summer. The following times are still available:

June 9 – Breakfast – CofC Sr. High Camp (probably around 50-80 people)

June 10 – Dinner – Sugar Creek Baptist (90 people)

June 17 – Dinner – CofC Junior Camp (50-60)

June 23 – Dinner – CofC Reunion (130-150)

July 14 – Breakfast – Cof C Jr. High Camp – (50-80)

July 21 – Breakfast – Pathways Church Camp – (124)

Aug 4 – Breakfast – Dublin Coffman Band Camp – (230)

Aug. 5 – Dinner – Dublin Scioto Band Camp – (120)

We are planning to have lasagna, garlic bread, salad bar, and dessert for the dinner meals and sausage/egg/biscuit along with cereal and a fruit bar for breakfast. I will have the food here, we just need cooks and dishwashers. Thanks so much!

Bountiful Blessings,

Connie Altman

Bountiful USA Mission Center President

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Cooking for Camp Signup Sheet

Pastors, Communications contacts, CFO’s:
It’s our hope to have a combination of paid and volunteer kitchen workers this summer, and Connie is heading this up.  Please distribute this information to your congregation and any others who might be interested.Vern

CLICK HERE for a signup sheet for volunteer cooks and dishwashers for Camp Bountiful for Saturday morning breakfast and Sunday evening dinner throughout the summer. Our hope is to get volunteers for weekends so that the people we hire will only need to work Monday through Friday each week. We also have a couple people who have volunteered to cook for a whole week or two weeks. If others would like to do this, we might be able to get by with only a few weeks having to pay someone. Sue Schneider and I have the certification needed and will oversee ordering, deliveries, and proper temperatures, etc.

Please announce this and have people contact me with questions or dates they will be able to volunteer. They may call the camp at 740-988-2373 or email me at or



Bountiful Blessings,

Connie Altman

Bountiful USA Mission Center President

4861 Limerick Rd.

Jackson, OH 45640


Christ’s Mission, Our Mission

Facebook: Bountiful USA Mission Center

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Camp Bountiful Kitchen wishlist

During our recent Work Week at Camp Bountiful, the kitchen was emptied and processes are in place for new flooring coverage.
As the kitchen was begin emptied, so too were all of the existing cabinets. The cabinets were found to be in very poor condition. Many of the shelves are fragile and disintegrating. At this time, it does not appear they will be able to be reinforced enough to hold up and be returned to the kitchen.
For that reason, stainless steel tables are currently being investigated as replacements. After much deliberation and realizing the inadequacies of our wooden furnishings, it is a desire to refurbish the kitchen with durable stainless steel tables that would offer many years of resilience.
To this end, we are once again approaching our Camp Bountiful Friends and Families to assist in this endeavor.

CLICK HERE TO SEE an outline of what we need and the approximate cost for each item (upon visiting the warehouse we found that we need stronger steel than these listed and the cost will be more, but not a lot more).

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Upcoming LEADS Class “History Identity Mission Renewal”

LEADS with Seventy John Hamer
“History, Identity, Mission, Renewal”
April 6-7
Camp Bountiful

CLICK HERE to Register

Friday 6:30-7:00 Registration and snacks
7:00-9:00 Spiritual Practice & Class

Saturday 8:00-9:00 Breakfast/cleanup
9:00-12:00 Spiritual Practice & Class w/break
12:00-1:00 Lunch/cleanup
1:00-1:15 Prayer for Peace
1:15-2:30 Class
2:30-2:45 Break
2:45-4:00 Class
4:00-4:15 Break
4:15-6:00 Class


Bountiful Blessings,

Connie Altman

Bountiful USA Mission Center President

4861 Limerick Rd.

Jackson, OH 45640


Christ’s Mission, Our Mission

Facebook: Bountiful USA Mission Center

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Letter Upholds Worth of All Persons

January 17, 2018

To our sisters and brothers in the Africa Field, Haiti, and El Salvador:
We greet you in the name of Christ and in the peace that Christ seeks for all human life. Recently, the US president allegedly made derogatory comments about people from Africa, Haiti, and El Salvador. The reported comments are hurtful to many people around the world and in the church. We are deeply sorry and distressed by any statement that devalues another human life and creates division. We also are greatly concerned about any attitude that implies that some lives are of less value than others because of one’s nation of origin. This simply is not true.
As a worldwide faith community formed by the gospel of Christ and our Enduring Principles, we are saddened by the continued racism and injustice in the world. It is not God’s will when humans are diminished based on where people live, the color of their skin, or by other categories used to divide and devalue. Our Enduring Principles in Community of Christ speak clearly of the Worth of All Persons. And we proclaim the Sacredness of Creation, which includes each human life as created by God, who then said “it was very good” (Genesis 1:31 NRSV).
As Community of Christ we uphold the principle of Unity in Diversity. We stand in solidarity with you as members of the church and citizens of the world. We offer our voices and our lives to speak against acts of hatred expressed in racial, gender, and religious injustice that demean human life. Jesus tore down dividing walls (Ephesians 2:14), and God has called the church to uphold the welfare of all human life (Doctrine and Covenants 163:4).
We join all of you as we pray for peace and the end of racism in our world. We pray all world leaders will encounter the peace of Christ that makes all things new. And we hold all of you in prayer as we live with hope and determination to make God’s peaceable reign—Zion—reality throughout the world.

In the spirit of peace and love,
The First Presidency

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Azalea Reunion – Florida

Pastors and Communications contacts:

Justice Manning sent this to the mission centers in our area a few weeks, asking that we extend an invitation to this reunion to all of our congregations.


Attached is registration and other material for the Azalea Reunion to be held at the Bluff Springs Campground in FL, March 11 – 16, 2018.  You are invited!  We would be honored with your presence.  We think that we have assembled an excellent staff for this reunion for the spring of 2018.  In the past, many of our northern friends have found this week to be well-worth the time away from the cold of the north.  Therefore, we are specifically inviting our northern friends to discover some southern hospitality.

For those of you who have not heard of Dr. Joseph Webb we think that you will be pleasantly surprised with the clarity with which he presents his material.  Apostle Barbara Carter, for those of you unfamiliar with her, is one of our caring witnesses of the Lord Jesus.  Barbara Walden has the credentials of a premier, engrossing storyteller with an extensive knowledge of church history that is made extremely interesting through her abilities.  We think that you will be engaged for the whole 5 days!

Contacts for questions are found on the registration form.  Please mark your calendar now!  Your assistance in spreading the invitation would be appreciated, especially if you know of someone who would like to vacation in the FL panhandle.

If you have a web site, in addition to any immediate announcement, I would appreciate your posting the invitation with attachments on your web site with a periodic reminder of the reunion beginning in the new year.  Thank you.

Look forward to seeing new faces and meeting some new people.


Justice Manning






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