Category Archives: Messages from the MCP

Invitation Retreat at Kirtland

I am sending this along to you as an invitation to the Invitation Retreat at Kirtland Temple, hosted by the Michigan Mission Center from May 4-6, 2018. Please share this information as you can. Also, visit the Michigan Mission Center Facebook page, and encourage people to “share” the event.
We look forward to meeting you and many other of our brothers and sisters from outside Michigan as we learn the art of invitation together.
Peace and Grace,
Kevin White

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Church Updates: Getting Started

Pastors and Communication contacts:  As mentioned before, I’ve set up an account for Church Updates for the Mission Center and have added a couple of news items (which I’ve already sent out previously) so you can see how it looks.

Please add yourself as a member, as shown under the Add Members paragraph below.  Please advise all of your members of this so they might be able to receive the information if they so choose.  Once all congregations are represented I’ll use Church Updates for all news and prayer requests. Each congregation can also add news and prayer requests, as shown in the first paragraph below.  I only ask that you keep your items reasonably brief and set their expiration dates at a reasonable length, as well.  You will automatically receive an email notification each week showing how many items you have not seen.  You can also log on at any time during the week and review the items.

Let me know if there are any questions.


——– Forwarded Message ——–

Subject: Church Updates: Getting Started
Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2017 21:21:34 +0000 (UTC)
From: Western Ohio Mission Center <>
To: Vern Foster <>

Western Ohio Mission Center

We’re so glad you’ve signed up. We’ve made it very easy to start using Church Updates. To get started take a moment to do the tasks below.

Post Content

The first step is to post some content so when your members visit the site there will be something interesting for them to see. Here’s how to post:

  1. Visit: and login with your email and password.
  2. Click on the large news button.
  3. In the center of the screen click the post news button.
  4. Fill out the form and click submit.
  5. Repeat these steps for the prayserve and give sections. It only takes a few seconds to post.

Add Members

Once you’ve posted some content you’re ready to add your members to Church Updates. Visit: to add your members.

Weekly Email Digest

Now it’s time for the fun part. Each week your members will receive a weekly digest email (generated automatically by the system) informing them of any updates they’ve missed and prompting them to get involved with your church. You don’t even have to remember to change this information each week – we’ll send you a reminder to update your content for the week to insure your membership is properly informed when the digest goes out!

Thank You

Thanks for using Church Updates. If you have any questions or if we can be helpful in anyway please contact us – we’ll be happy to assist! Your Church Updates administrator is Vern Foster (

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Online Temple School Classes – start in January

Online Temple School Classes

Two “Ministry and Priesthood” Temple School classes will be available online for those finding it difficult to attend live events. Each elearning class lasts 6-weeks during which students proceed through readings, videos, and quizzes together. Students may access each week’s class 24-hours a day, 6-days a week (minus one day for grading) providing flexibility in class schedules. 

The following classes are open Wednesday, December 6 for registration (limited space):
  • Ministry of the Deacon (starts January 13 – ends February 23)
  • Ministry of the Teacher (starts January 13 – ends February 23)
To register: 
  • Visit the site

     and click on the “USA Registration Form.” 

  • You can pay your $25 registration fee though our online portal or via mailed check.  
  • You will receive log-in information via email.
  • Students completing these classes receive Temple School credit.
Be looking for upcoming classes including “Introduction to Priesthood Ministry” and the new “Youth and Children Registration Class” starting in March. More information can be found on the website or by emailing

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Keith McMillan

Please note the letter below (PDF) regarding an additional assignment for Keith.  He will continue to be the President of Seventy assigned to our Mission Center but will be spending a great deal of his time in Arizona after the first of the year.



Keith Communication to SE and SC Fields

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WOMC Conference Nov 11th and “Church Updates”

Greetings, Pastors, CFO’s and Communications contacts:

Mission Center conference on Saturday, Nov. 11, at Shawnee congregation at 11:00 am.  Business meeting at 11, followed by pizza lunch.  We will have inter-generational  table activities after lunch.  I had previously advised that Craig Lenfestey would be our guest minister for the day.  I have been advised Craig will be leaving church employment in November and transitioning back to Maine, thus he will be unable to be with us.  While his last official day is December 22, he will be using accumulated vacation for December.

The November conference will be the last time to submit any proposed legislation for the 2019 World Conference, as the deadline for submission of legislative items is before our next fall  conference.

Church Updates is a church communication tool developed by church members in Independence.  Bountiful Mission Center uses it as does the Grove City congregation.  This is a free program, allowing communications in four categories – News, Pray, Serve and Give – for the information of all who have signed up for it.  I’ve been subscribed to the Bountiful program for two years or so and I can keep up with their prayer requests, activities in congregations and MC and service needs.

I’m wondering if this would be a good addition for Western Ohio. Each congregation could add their own activities,prayer requests, etc., to the site and it would go to all who have signed on for it.  I get an email every Thursday advising of how many new items are available or, in the case of today,advising there are no updates from last week. While it wouldn’t eliminate the emails I send out, it would reduce them quite  a bit.

If you would like to take a look at it, go to and check it out.  Let me know what you think.



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New Campground Managers: Doug and Connie Altman

We have hired Doug Altman as our next campground manager. He will start  January 1.  Work is still continuing on the manager’s residence so we don’t know for sure when they will be able to move.  While we are paying Doug a small stipend until they sell their house, he is essentially a volunteer manager.

We’re having a week long welcoming party for Doug & Connie January 6-12.  Please bring food, tools and bedding and help work on repairing the water damage in the sleeping rooms behind the kitchen, the kitchen itself and the drain and floor in the dishroom.  (I know this sounds like a work week, which it is, but it sounds more impressive to call it a welcoming party!!)



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A Time to Act – Presiding Bishopric

Greetings, Pastors and Communications contacts:

I’m forwarding an email which has already been sent to the CFO’s, but wanted to be sure it is in the hands of as many as possible,as it contains some specific information and ways each congregation can help with the current tithing issues we’re having.
As I mentioned at our recent meeting, and will discuss again at our next meeting at Shawnee on Oct. 15, I am proposing that the mission center donate $10K this year from our AIP fund, then $10K per year for the years 2018-2020, also from the same fund.
I invite all of you to review your current financial situation and see what you might be able to contribute,as well.



From: Presiding Bishopric
Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2017 5:52 PM
To: Presiding Bishopric
Subject: A Time to Act!

TO:  Congregational Financial Officers in the USA and Canada


We hope you were able to join the webcast for President Steve Veazey’s address to the church. If you were not, the video is available with the text and Q&A on the Community of Christ website.


We thought it would be helpful to have an overview of the address and some action steps your congregation can take. We hope you will find opportunity to share this information and that as a community you will choose to act.


If we can provide any other information that will be helpful to you, please feel free to contact us. We are attaching some sample resolution forms for use if your congregation votes to provide funds from an Affiliate Investment Pool account to Worldwide Mission Tithes.


As always we are so grateful for all you do in support of the church and Christ’s mission.



The Presiding Bishopric

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Online Temple School: Intro to Scripture, Ministry of Disciple

Dear MCP’s,
We are opening the classes below for registration in the US this weekend.  Please share this information with your congregations:
Online Temple School Classes


Two “Ministry and Priesthood” Temple School classes will be available online for those finding it difficult to attend live events. Each elearning class lasts 8-weeks during which students proceed through readings, videos, and quizzes together. Students may access each week’s class 24-hours a day, 6-days a week (minus one day for grading) providing flexibility in class schedules. Students completing these classes will receive Temple School credit. 

The following classes are open August 26 for registration (limited space):
  • Introduction to Scripture (starts October 7 – ends December 9)
  • Ministry of the Disciple (starts October 7 – ends December 9)
To register: 
  • Visit the site and click on the “USA Registration Form.” 
  • Once you receive a confirmation email, send a check for $20 to the address provided. 
  • You will receive log-in information via email.
  • Students completing these classes receive Temple School certificates and immediate credit in Shelby.
Be looking for upcoming registration classes including “Ministry of the Deacon” and “Ministry of the Teacher” starting in January. More information can be found on the website or by emailing

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“Consumption of Intoxicants by Priesthood” policy

The First Presidency was asked by the World Conference of 2013 to study and provide a policy regarding use of intoxicants.  This has been completed and will be published in the September/October issue of the Herald.  It will also be posted on the church website at

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Community of Hope & Joy: McMillan/Wall

Keith McMillan (President of Seventy) asks for prayers for his sister, Frankie Wall, and brother-in-law, Steve Wall and family:

Last Sunday after church in which his daughter was ordained an Elder and I spoke, we started noticing some symptoms in my brother-in-law Steve that resembled a stroke. He had written the ordination prayer for his daughter Jennifer because he was worried about remembering it. We took him to KU Medical Center for tests right after church. After many tests, he has been diagnosed with Cushfeld-Jakob disease, a rare brain disease that affects only 300 per year. It is not treatable and is incurable. He is quickly losing the ability to talk and have motor functions. He is aware of the prognosis of 3-6 months to live and is struggling as is my sister Frankie and family. We just pray that he feels the love of his community around the world. They are members of the Olathe Community of Christ. Steve sang in the Messiah choir for over 30 years. He is only 66 years old. We are asking for prayers for Steve, his wife Frankie and their kids Jennifer and Steve Jr. as well as their 4 grandkids who had just seen their grandpa healthy and happy and now this.


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