Category Archives: Messages from the MCP

Communities of Hope & Joy: Velma Ruch

Velma Ruch, aged 96. passed away yesterday in Lamoni, Iowa surrounded by loving friends. Though Velma was never employed by Community of Christ, her influence as an evangelist, educator at Graceland University, writer, and mentor to staff and members was significant and transformative. A graveside service will be held in Lamoni at 10:30 Monday morning, with a memorial service planned for later on. Details will be shared as they are known.  You may read her obituary at


Kris Judd

Staff Pastor

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Community of Hope & Joy: French Polynesia and Tehina Reiatua

I share good news from the islands of French Polynesia with you today. French translator Tehina Reiatua is now home after a week in hospital and is slowly recovering. She is grateful for the prayers offered on her behalf.

Apostle Mareva Arnaud also shares gratitude for “your love, prayers and thoughts from all pastors, members and friends. Even though many families and areas were not really impacted by the bad weather,  many families lost everything. The people in French Polynesia are fine, are feeling better, are in reconstruction, learning and solidarity mode. The island  too is breathing better.Again , thank you for all.”

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GoFundMe: Camp Bountiful!

We are excited to share that our Go Fund Me page for Camp Bountiful fund raising is now live on Facebook.  I have included the link below in hopes you can get the word out to all of the congregations in the region (or even surrounding regions).

Some background info: Some of CB’s fans wanted to do something for the benefit of CB and came up with the Go Fund Me  idea. The Go Fund Me announcement was made a few days ago and has already resulted in over $2,000 in donations  for the campground.  I wanted to let you know of its availability so others who might like to assist in donating for upkeep and projects for the camp could do so.

For your information, we just incurred over $3000 in expenses for termite treatment in the lodge plus whatever cost will be necessary to replace the damaged walls in the kitchen.  This will most likely be above $1,000.




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Community of Hope and Joy: French Polynesia

Please note the request for prayers below.


From: Kris P Judd
Sent: Monday, January 23, 2017 8:33 AM
To: Kris P Judd
Subject: Community of Hope and Joy: French Polynesia

For the past few days, weather conditions have been extremely difficult for our Maohi people in French Polynesia: torrential rains and strong winds are slamming our islands.The island of Tahiti is particularly affected: severe flooding, houses destroyed or washed away, roads destroyed, landslides, international airport closed and the capital city Papeete is closed, ….
Families left without a home are gathering in shelters and a chain of solidarity was implemented thanks to the French government, the Polynesian government, the city services, churches, assistance organizations, emergency and rescue services, cleaning teams working non stop for days.
Despite these disastrous circumstances that are taking us by surprise, the destructions and floods, families that lost everything and many waiting in fear, our people remains united, reaching out and helping. Until now, there is no casualty.

More heavy rains are expected tonight.

We ask the Church to keep the Polynesian people in your prayers.

Thank you.

Por los últimos días, las condiciones del tiempo ha sido extremadamente difícil para nuestro pueblo de Maohi en la Polinesia Francesa: aguas torrenciales y vientos fuertes están golpeando nuestras islas. La isla de Tahití está siendo particularmente afectada con inundaciones severas, casas están siendo destruidas o llevadas por las aguas, carreteras están destrozadas, deslizamientos, el aeropuerto internacional está cerrado y la ciudad de Papeete está cerrada.
Familias que se han quedado sin casas se están reuniendo en albergues y una cadena de solidaridad fue implementada gracias al gobierno francés, el gobierno polinesio, los servicios de ciudad, iglesias, organizaciones de asistencia, servicios de emergencias y rescate, equipos de limpiezas han estado trabajando por días sin parar.
A pesar de estas circunstancias desastrosas que nos están tomando por sorpresa, las destrucciones e inundaciones, familias que han perdido todo y muchos esperando en temor, nuestro pueblo se mantiene unido, dirigiendose y ayudando.
Hasta ahora no hay ninguna víctima.

Se espera más lluvia esta noche.

Pedimos a la Iglesia que mantenga al pueblo Polinesio en sus oraciones.



​Des familles sans abris se retrouvent dans les lieux préparés pour elles, une chaine de solidarité est en place entre l’ Etat Français, le gouvernement Polynésien, les communes, les églises, les organisations et tous les services de secours, de sécurité, de nettoyage travaillent depuis des jours.
Malgré ces désastres qui nous prennent pas surprise, toutes ces destructions et inondations, des familles qui n’ont plus rien et d’autres dans la crainte….le peuple reste uni, tous se donnent la main, et surtout, à cette heure, il n’y a aucune perte en vie humaine.

Il est prévu que les pluies s’intensifient en force et densité ce soir.
Une demande à l’église, de garder le peuple polynésien dans vos prières .
Merci .

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Church History and Sacred Story Team Named

New Team Includes Three World Church Historians

History is alive and well, valued, and continues to play a critical role in the life of the church, said Apostle Lachlan Mackay, leader of a newly formed history team.
The Church History and Sacred Story Team, chartered by Community of Christ President Stephen M. Veazey, has three volunteer historians.
They are David Howlett of Saratoga Springs, New York; Barbara Walden of Hartford, Connecticut; and Ron Romig of Independence, Missouri.
The goal of the team will be to engage the church in exploring its sacred story in responsible ways that inform and encourage its mission, Mackay said.
Walden holds a master of arts in museum studies and is executive director of the church Historic Sites Foundation. Romig is past president of both the John Whitmer and Mormon History associations. Howlett has a religious studies doctorate from the University of Iowa.
Other members of the team include Peter Judd of Kansas City, Missouri; Rachel Killebrew of Independence; and John-Charles Duffy of Oxford, Ohio.
The team will write articles for the Herald magazine and the international church website, encourage exploration of international history, and produce reports for the First Presidency. The team can be reached at

Elaine Garrison
Senior corporate communicator

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Book of Mormon E-Book

To staff in the USA, Canada, British Isles, and Australia

Community of Christ announced today that the Book of Mormon is now available as an e-book for Amazon devices and apps. It joins the church’s e-book offerings online and its publication is the result of a team effort that spanned several years. Published by Herald Publishing House, this $9.99 e-book is divided into sections and has an extensively linked topical index.

First published in 1830, the Book of Mormon is regarded as scripture by Community of Christ members and followers of the Latter-day Saint movement around the world. The Book of Mormon chronicles stories of ancient peoples migrating from the Near East to the Americas, their beliefs and instructions, wars and contentions, and revelations about righteous living. It testifies of Jesus Christ’s appearance in the Americas after his resurrection where he taught people about salvation, God, and peaceful living in harmony with biblical writings.  For those who hold this scripture sacred, the text supports the Biblical message that Jesus Christ is the Living Word of God.

Community of Christ President Stephen M. Veazey, who expressed his gratitude to everyone who played a role in completing this project, said, “When responsibly interpreted and faithfully applied, scripture provides divine guidance and inspired insight for our discipleship. By providing this e-book format, I am very hopeful that we can continue to share our sacred story with members, seekers, and students of religious history.”

Community of Christ is registered as a charitable organization eligible to receive donations from the AmazonSmile Foundation. Connect to Community of Christ easily via this AmazonSmile link.

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MC Conference/Camp fees/2017 Officers/Classes

Pastors, Communications, CFO’s:

Greetings, all. Here’s an update on on the conference and various other items.

Conference sustained all MC positions.  Dianne Lawson Smith was elected Secretary; Becky Schneider Dern was appointed to a three year term on the CB Board; Joe Glandon was elected to the board through 2019 and Tim Kunzweiler was elected to board alternate through 2019.

The budget of $38,100 was approved for 2017.  The conference did not suggest any revisions to the assessments that were previously provided to each of you.  I’ve attached a copy for your congregation budget planning purposes.

Also, for planning purposes, the camp fees for 2017 are:

Jr & Sr Hi camp – $275 (up from $250 in 2016)
Junior Camp – $160 (up from $150)
Weekend retreat fees remain at $60 for the weekend.
Fees for reunion have not yet been established but expect both the daily fee and family maximum to increase. This information will come from Connie Altman when the registration forms are completed.

Congregation Officers for 2017 so far are:
Beavercreek – Tim Kunzweiler, Pastor
Columbus – Matt Jeffers, Pastor
Grove City – Don Reese, Lead Pastor
Sylvania – John & Rae Jean Bolster, Co-Pastors
Toledo – Van Husted III, Pastor
Worthington – Stan Moss, Pastor

If your congregation has had its election, please advise me of the results and also confirm the names of your counselors, if known.

Scheduled Temple School classes are on the attached calendar.  The Introduction to Scripture class is being offered January 21 and February 4 in the Columbus area.  Does any congregation want to host this class?  It will be 9:00 to 5:00 each day and the hosting congregation should also have some students in the class.

We had a mini version (1 hour) of the Latter-day Seekers workshop at MC conference.  There was a great deal of interest expressed to have the full, eight hour, version with Keith McMillan next year.  We’re looking at some dates in April and May and I’ll advise as soon as it’s confirmed.  It will be in the Columbus area.



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Nov. 12 – WOMC Conference

Greetings, Pastors, Communications and CFO’s:

Here’s the schedule for November 12:

9:00 – 12:30 – Class on Invitation and Hospitality, including a discussion on LDS Seekers ministry. Please encourage as many as possible from your congregation to attend this as the ministry of invitation is a key part of the Mission Initiatives and the life of the church.

12:30 – Soup and sandwich lunch provided by Beavercreek congregation. We invite anyone coming for just the business meeting to come early and join in the food and fellowship.

2:00 – MC conference.  (Click here for the agenda.)  Please note we will sustain the position of Invitation Support Minister. This is the new position we discussed at the Pastor & Counselor meetings.  I’m pleased to advise that Ron Boldman has agreed to serve in this capacity.

2:45 – 3:00 (Approx.) – Worship service planned by Beavercreek with Keith McMillan preaching. We expect the service to end around 3:45 or so, unless the business session goes unusually long.

(Note:  Keith will be preaching on November 13 at the Grove City congregation.)

The Beavercreek church is located at 860 Grange Hall Road, Beavercreek.

I hope to see you all there.



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Mission Stories Needed/Haiti/GoFundMission/TSCourse

Pastors and Communications contacts:

I’m assuming you have all received the request for funds for Haiti Hurricane relief either directly or from Gary Waggoner, in which we were advised that we have 12 congregations in Haiti and 11 were destroyed.  What you might not know that Haiti is one of the four largest mission centers in the church with membership of slightly over 11,000.  Only Central USA, Michigan and Congo MC are larger.

You have already received the new mission funding tool, Go Fund Mission, along with instructions on how to request funding for a project.  It’s my understanding that some people are planning to do a Camp Bountiful project in the next few months.  Let me know if you would like any assistance in funding a local project.

We will offer the Temple School course, Introduction to Priesthood Ministry (MP300) in Reynoldsburg on Saturday, January 7, from 8am to 5 pm. This is a requirement for ordination, but is also a good class for anyone who is interested in knowing more about priesthood in general.  Anyone interested in the course should register with me.

I’ve included the information you have already received regarding Mission stories.  I know we have congregations that are engaged in ministries which would make good stories to share – YPC, youth activities, community ministries, etc. – so if you can write something it would be appreciated.

Mission Center Conference will be November 12 at Beavercreek.  I’ll send out a separate email with full details very soon. We’ll have a class on Invite People to Christ and Hospitality in the morning and conference and worship in the afternoon.



To Mission Center Presidents and Financial Officers in Australia, British Isles, Canada, and USA


Dear Mission Center Leader,

I am writing for two reasons. First, I want to express my appreciation for your faithful ministry. Together we answer the daily call to follow the Living Christ, pursuing his mission—our mission—throughout the world. Thank you for the many ways you answer that call.

Second, disciples and seekers want to read/hear/see how Christ’s mission is being made real in people’s lives through the ministry of you and your congregation. These stories are a source of ideas, inspiration, and motivation to disciples and priesthood in all types of communities.

Please take a moment to 1) share at least one story that illustrates one or more of our Mission Initiatives or Enduring Principles; 2) pass this message on to leaders in your mission center and encourage them to respond as well. Stories can be brief or long (about 170–520 words). Pair that with engaging photos and you will help people connect with the story and catch a vision for their community as well.

The Communications Team looks forward to sharing your stories of how Community of Christ is moving Christ’s mission forward! Please respond by November 1.

Send stories and questions to so we can consider them for Herald magazine, mission stories on, the Daily Bread blog, and more. Thank you for living Christ’s mission and for sharing stories to inspire others.

In the Peace of Christ,

Apostle Linda Booth
Director of Communications

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Upcoming Youth Event!

Pastors and Communications contacts:

Please see the note below and attachment. All youth are invited. The event starts at the Grove City congregation, 1255 Stringtown Road, Grove City OH, then to the maze, then back to the church. Please contact Alicia with any questions.



Parents, Youth, Those who work with youth,
Click to see the details for the October Youth event. We’re going to a corn maze! Please let me know if you or your youth can come. I could use a couple volunteers, so let me know.
Alicia Zabloudil

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