Category Archives: Messages from the MCP

Information and Reminders

Greetings, Pastors, CFO’s and Communications folks,

The new Temple School course, Ministry of the Priest, will be offered at the Reynoldsburg congregation on Saturday, August 27, from 8am to 6pm.  This is for anyone interested in knowing more about the office of Priest, current Priests who would like to take the new course or anyone who need the course prior to ordination. Please register with Vern Foster if interested.

The Pastors, Counselors, Evangelists and Congregational Financial Officers meetings will be on August 21 at Westerville congregation and August 28 at Shawnee congregation.  Both start at 3:00 pm and we plan to end by 5:00.  Agenda items include:

  • 2017 Mission Center budget.  We will have the preliminary budget for discussion.  We know the Camp Bountiful assessments will increase by $4300 (approx. 37% increase), so if we follow our previous practices the congregation assessments would also increase by 37%.  However, with the transfer of the cost of the MC President to the mission center, there will be more expenses to consider.
  • Camp Bountiful finances.  Fees for 2017 will increase, as well as assessments and we are still in need of additional revenue.  We’ll discuss a plan to have camp board members come to each congregation and present the camp needs.  This should take around 10 minutes and we’ll discuss having this done in your congregation.
  • 2017 calendar
  • 2016 congregation elections – fall business meetings. Please bring your dates if you have them.
  • Worldwide Mission Endowment
  • World Conference actions
  • Registered Youth Worker core training
  • Seekers ministry.
  • Temple School/training needs
  • Priesthood Retreat Oct. 15 in Grove City.  I should have some details to share by next month
  • Mission Center conference on Saturday, November 12 in Beavercreek.
  • Open Table

I’m trying to get into most of the congregations between now and the end of the year.  I’ve already arranged to visit several but if you have a specific date you would like me to come let me know. Otherwise I’ll drop in as my schedule permits.



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USA & Canada Retreats

Pastors and Communications contacts:

Please publicize these retreats in your congregations.  I know the one in Kirtland is easily accessible to all.



From: Cindy Thomas
Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2016 9:17 AM
To: Katie Harmon-McLaughlin
Subject: Sharing Retreat Information with the USA and Canada Fields

Dear Mission Center Presidents in the USA and Canada,

I’d like to share about two upcoming spiritual retreat opportunities and invite you to consider sharing this information with your mission centers. Over the past couple years, we have been experimenting with an open themed retreat model, and have been really pleased with the amount of response from both the USA and Canada. You are invited to forward this information to pastors, include links on your mission center websites, or use other modes of communication you think would be most appropriate to spread the word! You may also consider specific persons in your area who would particularly benefit from these experiences or find them of meaning. This will also be shared in the 10 minute news and through world church social media.

The first retreat, All Music is God’s, will take place at the Spiritual Formation Center and Kirtland Temple October 21-23, 2016. Don Compier will be our guest facilitator and will be utilizing his book, Listening to Popular Music.Part of the retreat will include a spiritual pilgrimage to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Though the retreat will be using music specifically, the deeper aim is to talk about the artificial lines we draw between sacred and secular and how God’s presence and activity can be found in every dimension of life, even by turning on the radio! It is a practice in deeper listening and paying attention to the many voices expressing the divine voice and vision. Information and Retreat Flier can be found here: Registration is open for this event and will close October 1. Limited spaces will be available.

The second retreat, Encountering God at Home, will take place at the Temple in Independence, MO April 7-9, 2017. This will be a family friendly retreat specifically focused on nurturing household spirituality for families, children, and youth. There will be tracks for adults, youth, children, and childcare available for children under age 3. Though this retreat is designed for young families who are seeking ways to have meaningful spiritual experience in their homes, everyone who feels the call to work with children and families is encouraged to attend! Information and Retreat flier can be found here:

Our hope is that these spiritual retreat opportunities will continue to create space for sabbath, renewal, and ongoing formation for the church community. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you for your leadership and for  sharing this information with the leaders and members where you serve.

With Gratitude,



Katie Harmon-McLaughlin
Spiritual Formation Specialist

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New Envelope Billing Process

Western Ohio Mission Center:  I never know if this information has already been received by you or not.  Here it is in case you haven’t seen it yet.




We want to provide you some information about our new envelope billing process:

  • Effective July 2016, congregations will be responsible for the cost of monthly offering envelopes.
  • The cost of the envelopes is 45¢ per packet.
  • Congregations control who receives envelopes and can add or remove people at any time by checking or unchecking the “Include on Envelope Diskette” box in Shelby. (See instructions.)
  • The mailing list for offering envelopes is uploaded from Shelby two months in advance, so we will upload your list each month, bill your congregation in advance for envelopes delivered for the next month. For example, we will bill in July for the August envelopes.
  • Envelope billings will be withdrawn directly from your congregation’s bank account once each month, similar to the Herald-in-Every-Home billing.
  • If you have questions, please e-mail or call (816) 833-1000 ext. 1391.

Thank you for the work you do in support of Christ’s mission.

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Camp Bountiful Reunion 2016

Pastors and Communications contacts:

I know some of your congregations like to visit camp and also like to know what’s going on each evening.  Here’s a draft of the schedule. We will still be adding items for some afternoon activities but this is mostly complete. You can also see it listed below.


Click here to see all of the reunion information.

2016 Reunion Schedule

“Of Water and Spirit”

Saturday, June 25

2:00 – 5:00 Registration-Lodge

2:00 – 4:00 Pool open

5:00 – 6:00 Dinner

6:30 – 7:00 Orientation-Shelter

7:15 – 8:15 Pool open

8:15 – 9:00 Ice Cream Social

9:15 – 10:00 Campfire – Connie Altman

Sunday, June 26 – We Believe

7:45 – 8:30 Breakfast

9:15 – 10:15 Classes for all ages

10:30 – 11:45 Worship-Craig Martens

12:00 – 1:00 Lunch

1:30 Baptism service

2:00 – 4:30 Pool open

2:15 – 3:15 CB Association – Shelter

5:00 – 6:00 Dinner

7:00 – 8:15 Hymn Sing – Connie Altman

8:30 – 9:00 Canteen

9:15 – 10:00 Campfire – Elsie Hunt

Monday, June 27 – We Learn

7:45 – 8:30 Breakfast

9:15 – 12:00 Children & Youth classes

9:30 – 10:30 Adult theme class

10:45 – 12:00 Mission with Maupin’s

1:00 – 2:00 Rest Period

2:00 – 4:45 Swim & Recreation

5:00 – 6:00 Dinner

7:00 – 8:15 Worship – Rick Maupin

8:30 – 9:00 Canteen

9:15 – 10:00 Campfire – Van Husted III

Tuesday, June 28 – We Share

7:45 – 8:30 Breakfast

9:15 – 12:00 Children & Youth classes

9:30 – 10:30 Adult theme class

10:45 – 12:00 Mission with Maupin’s

1:00 – 2:00 Rest Period

2:00 – 4:45 Swim & Recreation

5:00 – 6:00 Dinner

7:00 – 8:15 Worship – Diane Maupin

8:30 – 9:00 Canteen

9:15 – 10:00 Campfire – Connie Altman

Wednesday, June 29 – We Proclaim

9:00 – 9:45 Breakfast

10:00 – 11:45 Children & Youth classes

10:00 – 11:45 Mission with Maupin’s

12:00 – 1:00 Lunch

1:00 – 2:00 Rest Period

2:00 – 4:45 Swim & Recreation

5:00 – 6:00 Dinner

7:00 – 8:15 Worship – Rick Maupin

8:00 – 9:00 Canteen

9:15 – 10:00 Campfire

Thursday, June 30 – We Receive

7:45 – 8:30 Breakfast

9:15 – 12:00 Children & Youth classes

9:30 – 10:30 Adult theme class

10:45 – 12:00 Mission with Maupin’s

1:00 – 2:00 Rest Period

2:00 – 4:45 Swim & Recreation

5:00 – 6:00 Dinner

7:00 – 8:15 Intergenerational Game Night

8:30 – 9:00 Canteen

9:00 – 10:00 Talent Show – Elsie Hunt

Friday, July 1 – We Respond

8:00 – 8:45 Breakfast

8:45 – 9:45 Camp Cleanup

10:00 – 11:00 Closing Service

Additional Activities:

Monday 2:00 – 3:00 Labyrinth Walk – Sharon Whitehead

Tuesday – 2:00 – 3:00 Chats with Rick Maupin Shelter – Stewardship

Thursday – 2:00 – 3:00 Chats with Rick Maupin

Shelter – Congregational Revitalization

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Letter to the USA Church: Orlando incident

Letter to the USA Churches

June 17, 2016

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

We are deeply saddened by the shooting that took place in a dance club in Orlando, Florida on Sunday morning.  In the days that followed many words have been spoken that cry for an end to hatred, violence, and disregard for life.  These words encourage all of us to choose love over hatred, fear, and division.  

Challenging words spoken by President Veazey in his closing address to the World Conference on Saturday, June 11th inspire our response.

 “…since the time of Jesus and his first followers, God has called for the rise of communities of disciples that live in oneness and equality as a witness of the power of the gospel to reconcile and bring peace. As we go forth from this Conference focused on “One in Christ,” we must resist the efforts of those trying to hijack the gospel and the church to promote their visions of intolerance, prejudice, and hate in the name of Christ.

All my life I have heard sermons, sung hymns, and listened to discussions about Zion. According to the vision before us, God sees a church that doesn’t just speak and sing of Zion. God sees one that “live[s], love[s], and share[s] as Zion: those who strive to be visibly one in Christ, among whom there are no poor or oppressed” (Doctrine and Covenants 165:6a).

Dedicated to love, live, and share as Zion we join with other organizations committed to God’s alternative vision for our world.  We support the statement issued by the National Council of Churches in response to the Orlando shooting and value our mutual association as one of the 38 Christian communions willing to stand together as one against intolerance, prejudice, and hate.  (

As we join in prayer with our brothers and sisters in other faith communities for the families and loved ones impacted by this tragedy, may the words of our prayers grow into actions of reconciliation and peace.

In the Peace of Jesus Christ,

USA Apostles

Linda Booth, Barbara Carter, Janné Grover, Ron Harmon, Robin Linkhart, Lach Mackay

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Camp Bountiful Cleanup, cont. May 28!

Pastors and Communications:  Please note the message below from Connie Altman.  We got quite a bit done on the rainy camp work day but if any of your congregations or members would like to join in on the 28th or do some work another day it would be appreciated.

The link below is an updated letter which includes the chores still needed done before the camping season begins. The West Portsmouth branch is planning on going to work on May 28th. If any others would like to join them, please do. You will have to bring your own lunch or get together to decide on a covered dish type of lunch. I will be driving home from Missouri that day, so will be unavailable. Otherwise just call ahead to Mark and Jody so they know you are coming and come when you can. Thanks so much!


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Reunion Request!! And financials update

Greetings, Pastors, Communications and CFO’s:

This is a financial update that’s good news.  Tithing in March was more than January and February combined and we are now 15% above our goal for the year through March.  Please convey the thanks of the church to your congregations.

The 2015 Generosity Report is also online at  This is interesting and informative and I recommend giving it a read.  The announcements also provide more information about the tithing response, as well as an announcement about the retirement of the Graceland president.

Now, a plea:  We are in great need for teachers for children and youth classes at reunion.  If you know of anyone who can serve in this way, or if you can do so yourself, please let me know.  We actually have no teachers available at the moment.



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Camp Bountiful Peace Patio Pavers

Greetings, Pastors, Communications and CFO’s folks:

This is my annual reminder for Peace Patio pavers.

Pavers come in 4″ x 8″ and 8″ x 8″ sizes.

The 4×8 can have up to three lines of lettering of 13 characters & spaces and the 8×8 will accommodate six lines of 13.

Cost of each 4×8 paver is $100; 8×8 is $500.

Checks should be made payable to Camp Bountiful and sent to Kirk Mellendorf, 3690 N. SR 48, Lebanon OH 45036. Wording should be sent to me at this email address or 3417 Woodlake Ct, Loveland OH 45140.

Orders received by June 1 will be engraved in time for reunion.

Bountiful blessings,


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Pastors, Communications, CFO’s and Recorders:

I’m please to advise that Gary Waggoner, Beavercreek congregation, has accepted the appointment to be the Financial Officer of Western Ohio MC.  This is effective today.  Gary replaces Denise White, whose new assignment was sent to you a few days ago.

CFO’s, you should start sending the information you previously sent to Denise White to Gary starting now.   He is not yet set up on Shelby but that, too, will follow soon.   His current email address is  His church email isn’t set up yet, but his email address will be in about a week or so. Address is 4389 Franklin Ridge Drive, Beavercreek OH 45432.

Gary is a High Priest, has served in various capacities in the congregation including Pastor and CFO and has experience in campground administrative practices as well.



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Letter to the USA Field

WOMC Pastors, Communications, CFO’s and Recorders:

Click to read a letter from the USA Apostles.

Some of the information it contains has already been shared with you, but this provides us with Denise White’s new assignment.  It also advises that each mission center will be financially responsible for the expenses of the mission center president. Denise is in the process of transitioning from her current to her new assignment and she and I have been working on what that means to the MC budget.  I’ll send out more on that soon.

Denise has served as our Mission Center Financial Officer for the last few years and we hope to have an announcement on her replacement in the next several days.  The MCFO is responsible for the appointment of congregation CFO’s and Recorders, as well as numerous other duties.

More to come soon, I hope.



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