When Worlds Collide
Brenda M. O’Dell of Tulsa, OK, USA
Let the church be admonished that the times are portentous and demand faithful adherence to the faith and work of the church, that mankind may be blessed by and find peace in those religiously social reforms and relationships which have been divinely imposed as a great task of achievement. -Doctrine and Covenants Section 137:6a
I almost didn’t see him
In the grocery store aisle-
Matted hair and rumpled clothes
Ill-fitting, filthy sweats
Smudged with layers of ground-in dirt.
Carefully he was searching
Under harsh fluorescent lights
The shelf of tinned cat food.
For himself? I wondered,
Or a fellow stray?
Stealing furtive glances at his face
Lined by years and weather,
His feet in worn-down slippers,
I thought, should I give him something?
Offer to buy a meal?
Locked in indecision,
Musing about dignity and worth,
I missed my chance.
He turned away with several cans
Clutched in gnarled fists
And slipped through the crowd
Toward the checkout lanes
Seemingly invisible to others.
The well-dressed shoppers hurried on
With baskets heaped with food,
Checking phones and written lists,
Oblivious to the misfit
Who walked among us.
Had my hesitation
Really been because I had no cash?
Or was it fear to enter his life
Or let him enter mine?
The moment slipped away
Without us sharing
As little as eye contact
I, cocooned in my world, he locked in his-
Prisoners both.
Somehow I knew
The moment had eternal significance
And I felt a sense of loss.
Prayer Phrase
Are we moving toward Jesus, the peaceful One?
Spiritual Practice
Moving Toward the Peaceful One
As Jesus was nearing the final days of his life, he wept over the city and proclaimed, “If you, even you, had only recognized on this day the things that make for peace” (Luke 19:41-42).What are the things that make for peace in our lives, communities, and around the world? As we move through the Easter season, spend time in silent refection or journaling each day to notice: Am I moving toward Jesus, the peaceful One? Pay attention to your attitudes, actions, and relationships this day. When did you most embody the peaceful One in your daily living? When were your thoughts or actions contrary to the peace of Jesus Christ? How might Jesus, the peaceful One, who is always near to you, be inviting you to draw nearer to him through your daily living?
Today’s Prayer for Peace
Engage in a daily practice of praying for peace in our world. Click here to read today’s prayer and be part of this practice of peace.