Daily Bread April 25

It Was Good
Brandon Neloms of Savannah, GA, USA

…the Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you;
the Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace. -Numbers 6:25-26

This past weekend my family and I attended the Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta as a surprise for my son’s fifth birthday. What my son did not know was that my parents would be there, too, so it was a pleasant surprise to able to spend some time with people I love so much. While this was a trip for my son to enjoy and learn about the great majestic sea creatures, I truly believe I received more than he did.

My father and I followed behind my son as he looked among the great sea creatures, and we began to count and marvel at not only the complexity of the fish but the colors and size and purpose of each and how they work together. We talked about how one is responsible for cleaning the ocean floor, the other is a predator, another protects a certain type, one provides food for another, etc.

We began to realize on a deeper level the design God had when creating the world. Our conversation moved to how the ozone layer protects us from the sun’s rays and only lets a certain amount through to warm the earth. We spoke about how the trees provide the atmosphere with oxygen, and the gas we breathe out is helpful for plant growth. We spoke about when God looked back at all God had made at the beginning of time and realized it was a masterpiece. Sometimes we go about our everyday life and never stop to think about how this Earth is so amazing, majestic, and designed with purpose. What a joy to be able to spend a few years on this Earth enjoying something so amazing that God also called it good.

Prayer Phrase

Are we moving toward Jesus, the peaceful One?

Spiritual Practice

Moving Toward the Peaceful One

As Jesus was nearing the final days of his life, he wept over the city and proclaimed, “If you, even you, had only recognized on this day the things that make for peace” (Luke 19:41-42).What are the things that make for peace in our lives, communities, and around the world? As we move through the Easter season, spend time in silent refection or journaling each day to notice: Am I moving toward Jesus, the peaceful One? Pay attention to your attitudes, actions, and relationships this day. When did you most embody the peaceful One in your daily living? When were your thoughts or actions contrary to the peace of Jesus Christ? How might Jesus, the peaceful One, who is always near to you, be inviting you to draw nearer to him through your daily living?

Today’s Prayer for Peace

Engage in a daily practice of praying for peace in our world. Click here to read today’s prayer and be part of this practice of peace.

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