Daily Bread April 29

Susan Conklin of Yulee, FL, USA

For you shall go out in joy,
  and be led back in peace;
the mountains and the hills before you
  shall burst into song,
  and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands. -Isaiah 55:12

“If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands!” I vividly remember sitting beside my daughter’s hospital bed as she sang to her son via FaceTime. Since he was used to her singing and clapping with him, he waited for Mommy to clap. His face fell because Mommy couldn’t clap this time. Her hands were all bandaged due to severe burns. With tears in her eyes, she started the song over, and I clapped for her when she came to that part. Since he was only two at the time, he was easy to fool and thought that was his mommy’s “pop” he heard so he joined right in, pointing to his cheeks, showing that “his face will surely show it.”

So many times, I’ve thought back to this time and how we should be helping our loved ones when they are unable to do things for themselves. How many times have I not felt like “clapping” and one of my more spiritual friends has had to “clap” for me? Understand, this clap I’m talking about could be praying or cooking or singing or any number of things; the point is, there are times we need a likeminded friend by our side to do things our weary body is unable to do.

Romans 12 tells us we have different gifts but are all still one body in Christ. The body of Christ is a real thing, and we each have our place where we are the most gifted. But there are times when we must come out of our comfort zones and help another body member in an unexpected way. I can promise you’ll be glad you put your hands together for them and clapped!

Prayer Phrase

Are we moving toward Jesus, the peaceful One?

Spiritual Practice

Moving Toward the Peaceful One

As Jesus was nearing the final days of his life, he wept over the city and proclaimed, “If you, even you, had only recognized on this day the things that make for peace” (Luke 19:41-42).What are the things that make for peace in our lives, communities, and around the world? As we move through the Easter season, spend time in silent refection or journaling each day to notice: Am I moving toward Jesus, the peaceful One? Pay attention to your attitudes, actions, and relationships this day. When did you most embody the peaceful One in your daily living? When were your thoughts or actions contrary to the peace of Jesus Christ? How might Jesus, the peaceful One, who is always near to you, be inviting you to draw nearer to him through your daily living?

Today’s Prayer for Peace

Engage in a daily practice of praying for peace in our world. Click here to read today’s prayer and be part of this practice of peace.

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