The Promise of Love
Stassi Cramm, First Presidency
Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Look, the young woman is with child and shall bear a son, and shall name him Immanuel. -Isaiah 7:14
In December 1983, I experienced the promise of love in life-changing ways. With family and friends as our witnesses, I married Stephen Cramm on a wintry evening in a Spirit-filled sacramental worship. The people that loved us braved bitterly cold temperatures and treacherous icy roads to meet in a town several hundred miles away. They came because they loved us and promised to walk with us.
Through expressions of personally written vows, Steve and I promised to love each other. I still remember him promising to help me be the person God created me to be. Thirty-six years later, I can report he continues to fulfill that promise.
I am loved by Steve, my family, and friends. This love gives me a glimpse into the love that God sent into the world through the birth of God’s son, Jesus. I realize there are many people who have not experienced the promise of love like I have. Many people are isolated and disconnected from others.
Sometimes this is because of choices or consequences of their making. However, too often it is because of reasons outside of their control. For them, understanding the promise of love that is fulfilled through God’s gift of Jesus to the world is nearly impossible. When people have limited or no experience with human love, understanding or believing the promise of Divine unconditional love becomes unimaginable.
God sends disciples, you and me, into the world to make God’s promise of love real to every person. As disciples we must put love into action through words and deeds. When we embody God’s love that was foretold through Isaiah’s prophecy and fulfilled through the birth of Jesus, we ARE God’s promise of love and everyone is included.
Prayer Phrase
“Trust what is being born” (Stephen M. Veazey, Words of Counsel, 2019).
Spiritual Practice
Deepen your breathing as you enter a few moments of silent presence to God. Pay attention first to your own life as you gently ask and notice, “What is most alive in me right now? What is being born in me?” After a few moments of silent listening, ask these questions of your community, the church, and the world. Notice how the Spirit is revealing new life and possibility as you prayerfully ask these questions over time.
Today’s Prayer for Peace
Engage in a daily practice of praying for peace in our world. Click here to read today’s prayer and be part of this practice of peace.