It Is Yet Day….
Grace Andrews of Independence, MO, USA
The hopes of my people and the goals of my church, while not yet fully realized, and at times and to many seemingly distant, are closer to realization than many recognize. It is yet day when all can work. The night will come when for many of my people opportunity to assist will have passed. -Doctrine and Covenants 142:5
We used to sing with fervor a beloved hymn, “Work for the Night Is Coming.” I recently reminisced about all the things I used to be able to do. The painful realization came-in some ways, my “night” has already come. Chairing organizations and committees, being involved in family and church activities, teaching classes, faithfully serving in my job, keeping schedules-many things I am no longer in a position, or physically able, to do. While shopping, I watched a young mother kneel down and tie her child’s shoes, then rise to her feet without using her hands to get up; and the thought came: “I used to do that.” I am no longer able to kneel during communion. My singing voice, though never great, is barely passable. In earlier years I so enjoyed zipping around a skating rink. Probably not wise for me to do today. Tending to the needs of our five children, keeping them safe, supporting my husband and each of them in their varied activities was routine. Today, caring for or visiting little great-grandchildren for an hour or so quickly reminds me my physical body isn’t what it used to be.
And yet, my hands are always busy. My mind is alert. So, what can I do? I made a list of things I can no longer do, and labeled it “In the Past.” It was depressing. I then made a list of things I still can accomplish and labeled it “In the Future.” And guess what! The future list far outweighs those things no longer in my grasp. As Christ has been present every step of my past, I am assured He will not leave me alone in my future. Aloud I said, “Stop mourning the past! Get up! Get busy! You have work that only you can do!” There are people you know who need to be encouraged and lifted up-cover them with God’s love. There are cookies to be made and shared, warm blankets to be crocheted. Cards to be sent, calls to be made. Support for those who are weak and burdened down with heavy trials. Only God knows how long each of us will remain on this earth, but as for me-I will look to the future! For, it is “yet day,” and I am ever joyful for opportunities to serve my Lord.
Prayer Phrase
I surrender into your love, O God.
Spiritual Practice
What might it look like to surrender a little to God each day? A simple prayer of surrender can help us become aware of God’s consistent invitations to deeper relationship and awareness. Imagine when you encounter a challenging person or situation silently uttering this prayer, “I surrender into your love, O God.” The same prayer can be meaningful in moments of joy and gratitude as a way of returning to the awareness of oneness with God. It’s ok if we don’t surrender everything all at once all the time. The prayer of surrender is a constant practice of returning little by little to the deepest love that is the ground of our being and desires wholeness and oneness for us and all creation.
Today’s Prayer for Peace
Engage in a daily practice of praying for peace in our world. Click here to read today’s prayer and be part of this practice of peace.