I Stand at Your Table…
Larry Haines of Chandler, AZ, USA
We know love by this, that he laid down his life for us-and we ought to lay down our lives for one another. How does God’s love abide in anyone who has the world’s goods and sees a brother or sister in need and yet refuses help? -1 John 3:16-17
“I stand at your table asking to be fed, holding up my rice bowl, begging for your bread” (Shirley Erena Murray, \xc2\xa9 1992 Hope Publishing Company, Community of Christ Sings 298).
In 2015 the Chandler Congregation hosted a breakfast and a worship service in a local park for some homeless persons. After the service I noticed a man doing a lot of writing. I sat with him and asked what he was writing. He told me his name was David and he was writing about his experiences with I-HELP. I asked him what that was. He told me it was Interfaith Homeless Emergency Lodging Program. He gave me details and a business card for the director of the program. I told him I would call for more details.
Before I called the director, however, he called me. As a result, the congregation has housed and fed three meals to an average of 20 guests once a month.
The rewards go both ways. One of our guests now has a job at the Gilbert Senior Center where Jane and I pick up meals to deliver to shut-ins. Mike comes out every time and thanks us and the congregation for our help in his time of need. I’m thankful for that initial contact which led to a commitment to engage in Christ’s mission.
Prayer Phrase
Let your heart be broken for a world in need. -Bryan Jeffrey Leech, \xc2\xa9 1976 Fred Bock Music Company, Community of Christ Sings 353
Spiritual Practice
Lament is an expression of our grief, sorrow, and sometimes confession to God amid the brokenness, injustice, and suffering of the human family. Lament is a major theme of the psalms and an invitation to “let our hearts be broken” as we humbly pray for awareness of right and restorative action. Spend time each day this month practicing the prayer of Lament.
Loving God, break my heart open to my own and others’ suffering because of injustice. Help me stay with what is real even when it is uncomfortable.
Forgiving God, grow in me an awareness of the ways that I consciously and unconsciously contribute to systems of violence, suffering, and injustice.
Healing God, open my eyes to invitations to relieve the physical and spiritual suffering of others.
Today’s Prayer for Peace
Engage in a daily practice of praying for peace in our world. Click here to read today’s prayer and be part of this practice of peace.