God Is Our Refuge
Jane M. Gardner, presiding evangelist
In you, O Lord, I seek refuge… Incline your ear to me; rescue me speedily. Be a rock of refuge for me, a strong fortress to save me. My times are in your hand… Let your face shine upon your servant; save me in your steadfast love. -Psalm 31:1-2, 15-16 adapted
A Psalm for 2020
When nothing goes right
When tragedy strikes
When I am my own worst enemy
God is my refuge
When sorrow looms
When it feels like no one cares
When I lose my way
God is my refuge
When bullied and devalued
When disruptions abound
When I suffer pain and poor health
God is my refuge
When stretched too thin
When wound too tightly
When I forget to breathe
God is my refuge
When joy comes in the morning
When hope seeps through the cracks
When love surprises
When I am at peace
God is my refuge
Steadfast Lover of My Soul,
In faith and trust I place my times in your hand.
Let your face shine upon me.
Save me.
You are my refuge.
Prayer Phrase
In God we all belong.
Spiritual Practice
Sustaining Our Connections
Many find themselves isolated around the world to protect each other and the most vulnerable during this global pandemic. Spend time prayerfully imagining those people that you might normally come into contact with on a regular basis, known and unknown. Remember all the connections that sustain our lives each day. Even in this time of intentional separation, how are you experiencing deep, intrinsic belonging in God?
Today’s Prayer for Peace
Engage in a daily practice of praying for peace in our world. Click here to read today’s prayer and be part of this practice of peace.