Daily Bread October 17

Reading between the Lines
Evie Kalvelage of Independence, MO, USA

The temple shall be dedicated to the pursuit of peace. It shall be for reconciliation and for healing of the spirit. -Doctrine and Covenants 156:5a

Recently I’ve been exposed to conversations and epiphanies that have brought meaning to this old adage, “Read between the lines.” Last week at a book club meeting, we discussed how profound spiritual insights we’ve experienced lose much of their power when we try to capture them with words. It seems that their impact cannot be expressed with our limited earthly vocabulary. Reading between the lines allows us to experience the concept and change our understanding profoundly. “Aha” moments result.

I read a devotion that shifted my thinking about how to organize my days. I identified with the author as she spoke about having more time in retirement, but she’d lost much of the energy she enjoyed in her workaholic past. As she endeavored to fill in her calendar, she was struck with the idea that she would exchange her extensive to-do list for a blank page and ask God what to do each day.

I pictured a big, blank calendar with only the date claiming real estate in the empty white squares. My mind filled in doctor appointments, exercise, and the routine needs of life; but large white spaces remained. I vowed to fight to keep those spaces open and ask God how they’d best be used.

The next day I looked back at the devotion that inspired me and found that only one sentence talked about that blank page. It wasn’t her main point. I’d been led to read between the lines creating a thought-shifting lesson with only that single sentence as an impetus. Her essay looked completely different from what I recollected.

What a blessing on our journey when God speaks so concretely, yet mysteriously, as He reveals His messages camouflaged between the lines!

Prayer Phrase

Let gratitude show you the way (Doctrine and Covenants Section 165:2b).

Spiritual Practice


Gratitude is an important spiritual practice that invites us to see all of life as a gift. We give thanks for our breath, the food we eat, people we love, and all that we have that truly matters. We remember that we are connected and sustained by a web of relationships with creation, God, and other people. Take time each day this month to practice giving thanks and to consider-for what am I most grateful?

Today’s Prayer for Peace

Engage in a daily practice of praying for peace in our world. Click here to read today’s prayer and be part of this practice of peace.

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