Daily Bread July 03

A Lift in the Journey of Life
Julie Conway Sword of Gainesville, FL, USA

And how blessed are they! For they did publish peace; they did publish good tidings of good; and they did declare unto the people that the Lord reigneth. -Mosiah 11:207

“God, where will your spirit lead today?”

That morning my friend’s offer to take me to the dentist was canceled. So I scheduled a ride with Lyft, the first time in the pandemic year. The masked driver was kind and of few words. He had recently moved from Spanish-speaking Venezuela where his sister remained. As I listened, I sensed that he was probably forwarding his earnings back home.

“Help me to be fully awake and ready to respond.”

On my return trip, the driver, a talkative, bubbly lady, joyfully related that she’d recently been “saved.” “How different my life is now,” she said. “Yes, the Lord is my personal Savior, one in whom I can confide and seek guidance.”

“Grant me courage to risk something new and become a blessing of your love and peace.”

As we rode, we each shared recent praise-the-Lord experiences. When she asked about my adult children, two of whom have returned home to heaven, she then inquired, “Oh, how did they pass?” I told her of my son’s losing battle with a glia blastoma brain tumor, and, later, of my daughter’s sudden passing from a heart condition. Feeling led, I continued, “Following the realization of her death as the elders anointed and prayed for me, immediately in my mind’s eye I could clearly see my daughter’s face-her rosy, healthy cheeks, her big blue eyes, yellow curls, and a wondrous smile that spoke of her deep ‘Home again’ joy. At that blessed moment I determined, ‘If she’s happy, then I can be happy!'”

On arriving at my house, I thanked the driver for the ride. She replied, “No, your conversation with me made a difference in my life today!”

The Spirit of Christ can lead us to know Jesus better and to serve Him!

Prayer Phrase

“Awake, my soul!” (Psalm 57:8)

Spiritual Practice

The Prayer of the Heart

Early Christian disciples desired to take seriously the scripture mandate to pray “without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17). The prayer of the heart invites us to pray “continuously” by repeating and returning to a prayer phrase planted for intentional reflection and deepening. Choose a word or phrase (from scripture, hymnody, or personal reflection) that has meaning for you. The Jesus Prayer is one form of the prayer of the heart: “Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me” (Luke 18:35-43). Invite this simple phrase to repeat in your heart throughout the day, awakening your soul to God’s presence.

Today’s Prayer for Peace

Engage in a daily practice of praying for peace in our world. Click here to read today’s prayer and be part of this practice of peace.

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