God Sparks
By Brenda O’Dell of Kearney, MO, USA
The Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace. —Numbers 6:25–26 NRSV
Creator God of love, light, and beauty,
grant us the peace of alignment with you.
Still our darting thoughts and needless anxieties.
Open our minds and hearts.
Awaken our senses and sensitivities
that your love may flow through us,
and we disappear and become but part of the stream
which channels your life-giving water.
God of light and all creation,
awaken all the God-sparks within,
that we may vibrate and resonate
with your life-giving energy,
that your love may glow inside us
reflecting your light wherever we go,
that as suffering eases and we share hope,
we draw others to you.
Prayer for Peace
Beloved God, Eternal Musician,
may we hum with your peace and presence,
helping touch alive
the divine melody within others.
May all tune their instruments to your love
that together in harmony
we may find our way home to your great heart
as part of your great song. —Brenda O’Dell
Spiritual Practice: Caring for God’s Sacred Creation
Choose a way to notice, give thanks, and care for God’s sacred creation. Prayerfully consider one of the following practices or create your own. Walk in nature with a spirit of gratitude. Look and listen for God in all Creation. Learn about and engage in an act of Earth-keeping such as recycling, simple living, or fasting from over-consumption of resources. Notice the diversity of the planet’s creatures and be gentle to plants, animals, trees, and people! Fall in love with the vast, intricate wonder of God’s creation and give thanks.
Peace Covenant
Today, God, I will set aside time to explore part of your creation.